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Qualitative Respirator Fit Test Kits

Qualitative Respirator Fit Test Kit


The Protex™ Qualitative Respirator Fit Test Kit, Model SRFTK meets the performance criteria for fit testing tight-fitting face-piece respirators under current OSHA standards. The qualitative fit test (QLFT) kit includes:

  1. Test hood
  2. Nebulizer #1 (sensitivity solution)
  3. Nebulizer #2 (fit test solution)
  4. Sensitivity solution applicator kit
  5. Fit test solution applicator kit
  6. Two sets of aerosolizing nozzles
  7. Wire cleaner

Fit Testing Resources

Protex™ Qualitative Respirator Fit Test Kit Instructions_Bitter

Protex™ Qualitative Fit Test Kit User Instructions

The Protex™ Qualitative Fit Test Kit User Instructions provide step-by-step guidance on how to prepare for and conduct a fit test.

Respirator Fit Test Record

Respirator Fit Test

The respirator fit test record is an editable PDF used for tracking a fit test and the ability of the respiratory device to provide protection.

Fit Test ID Cards_Printable Version

Respirator Fit Test
ID Cards

The respirator fit test ID cards are wallet sized cards that allow an individual to prove that they have passed a fit test for a specific respirator.   

Protex Nebulizer Instructions

Protex™ Nebulizer

The nebulizer instructions provide a step-by-step overview on how to fill and use the nebulizer that comes with the Qualitative Respirator Fit Test Kit.

Protex™ Qualitative Respirator Fit Test Kit_Cleaning and Hygiene

Fit Testing Hygiene, Cleaning, and Disinfection

This document provides users with a recommended protocol for safely cleaning, disinfection and performing fit tests.

Learn how Shawmut Innovated the
N95 Respirator

Shouldn’t our Critical PPE be Made in America?
Is your N95 Respirator Made in the USA?

Since its founding in 1916, Shawmut Corporation has advanced materials innovation to improve people’s lives. Now, using our rapid product innovation capabilities, we have developed a new domestic manufacturing operation to produce N95 respirators and isolation gowns. State-of-the-art manufacturing equipment installed in an expanded facility based in West Bridgewater, MA will enable end-to-end production of up to 180 million respirators per year.

Shawmut on Health & Safety

Filter media in an N95 respirator. Inner layer, middle and outer layer

How Filter Media Works in FFRs

(Safety+Health) – How does the filter media in an N95 filtering facepiece respirator really work? To understand how filter media works, we first need to know what it is.